On Wed, 9 May 2001 00:11:30 -0700 Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
> Poor America,  so sick ! seeing breast feeding  and sharing bed as
> child abuse .

Ardeith writes:
Before someone says this has nothing to do with
trying to follow a Paleo eating style....may I remind
you that breast-feeding babies is absolutely Paleo?

Now.....Granting that some mothers have no choice
and must bottle-feed their babies........................

I agree....our culture is sick.....follow the $$$'s....
no one can make money selling formula to women
who breast-feed their babies......they don't need
baby-bottles either....so let's make breast-feeding
repulsive and push bottle-feeding and make more
money!    As far as sleeping with your babies....
I fail to see what's wrong with that......all over the
world mothers sleep with their nursing babies....
saves having to get up and go get the baby at
3 AM.....The only reason I can imagine that
anyone would call this child abuse is that the
parents might make love in the night and the
child might witness this....or see a naked
parental body.......

And what's wrong with that?   Why does our
culture scream about children possibly seeing
love-making or naked parents......but it's OK
for our children to witness all sorts of bloody
mayhem on TV and in movies......I caught
flack for taking my kids to see "Blue Lagoon"
and the same people who thought that was
wrong took their kids to see the "Texas
Chainsaw Massacre"......who's perverted

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