>Good heath comes first, and paleo provides us with the knowledge of what
>kept a body healthy during paleo times.  To survive these
>times, we must adapt to the demands of the environment. Supplementing
> >wisely helps many people do this.

Amen, sister!  Even if you CAN find perfect, nutrient-packed foods that
would meet all your needs (which you can't), if you've lived 2 or 3 decades
on modern foods (which we have), you may have developed a problem that all
the perfect foods in the world won't cure.  If you have a strike against
you, a supplement or two may be the answer.  And if you DON'T have a strike
against you, what gives you the right to snub people who DO need supplements
for some legitimate reason?  Sometimes, a reality pill is the neccesary

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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