Todd Moody wrote:

>The new guidelines
>are for HDL to be over 40 (used to be 35) and LDL to be under 100,
>with TG under 200.

I wonder what a doc would say after looking at my levels, which are LDL 121,
HDL 65, TRI 40 and total 194.

I know right now what John Q. Sixpack would think; "duuuh, you almost have
HIGH cholesterol!" since I'm near 200.  Idiots; I'm still within the healthy
range.  I know this would happen because I've heard it before.

My TRI/HDL ratio is veritable nirvana; just .63!  Two is considered just
dandy; antyhing lower gravy.  But the LDL is (gasp!) 121.  God help us!  I'd
be willing to bet many doctors would miss the point and concentrate on my
LDL.  Considering my HDL and TRI levels are almost beyond realistic
expectations, a smart MD would, after fainting in reaction to my overall
healthy stats, pat my head and tell me to keep plugging along.  But other
physicians would be concerned over my LDL, guaranteed.  Those bastards.

By the way, I clicked in my numbers on the USA Today risk link and my risk
of heart disease?  A whopping 1%.  Ha!

>It is possible that there is an
>underlying thyroid problem, but it's clear enough that 4 years of
>paleo nutrition and exercise have *not* corrected it.

Todd, did you get my private email on this issue?  If not, please respond!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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