On Sat, 5 May 2001 16:06:36 EDT, M.E. Craddock <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I would like to know what you eat as well, Amadeus. Not to criticize but
>of curiosity,to see what you eat, how much of what, etc.

I've posted my present diet 2 or 3 times here.

Basically it's still the same, while I've wiped out the rest of dairy
(a little white cheese) 2 months ago.
I noted that that caused me to eat a little more of the rest,
particularly some snack seeds that always rest on my desk (pumpkin seeds,
sunflowers, walnuts, flax seeds).

>Do you stay hungry or feel the need to eat more often since you don't eat

No, I am perfectely satisfied after my huge salad or huge vegetable plate,
always with good oil added (walnut, olive, hemp, a little flax)
In the first tests I feared to stay hungry but it turned out differently.
In the afternoon (after 5 or so) I feel appetite again and start to
snack on the seeds on my desk.

I do include some items many don't consider to be paleo.
But which have been a long time successful food in the stone age
(un-extracted cereals and legumes) and as a smaller contrubition in paleo
times (grains legumes other seeds).
I eat potatoes, as they are the only kind of roots/tubers of considerable
protein which are available easily in the casino (11%).
E.g. 1 small cup to my huge salad.
Other tubers and roots at home.
I think I don't have the pre-diabetes stage many will have aquired in the
common western diet (I never liked sugar).
Of grains I prefer varieties like quinoa, millet, rye, rice, buckwheat.
The cereals only properly soaked/fermented.
Of legumes I eat chickpeas (soaked or sprouted) and green peas with
The main change for me was to
1.increase crudes and vegetables greately
2.include less common items (sweetpotatoe buckwheat
  quinoa pumpkin seeds nuts)
3.reduce dairy and cereals to very little or to only soaked/sprouted items.

I have also wiped out my known allergens (hazel,soy, capsicum).

>Have you ever eaten meat in your life?

For 25 years I've been ordinary omnivore.

(with a lot of work presently)