Hello again re the TS570

When I bought my TS570 earlier this year I asked about the additional
filters as I am a 99+ per cent CW operator.

The dealer suggested I try the rig without first as the digital
filtering is so good.

This has proved to be the case.  So the dealer has done himself out of a
few quid!!!

An observation which I have made over the last months in looking at
reports from major dx peditions is that they tend to use either the
FT1000 MP or V or the TS570 if weight is a consideration.

73 de Dave G3YXX

In message <[log in to unmask]>, Dave Hillebrandt
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hi There, Slightly off the topic, can you tell me if the TS570 comes with
>filters for CW or do I have to get extra filters for CW and SSB? Also, does
>this rig have DSP. Still trying to decide between a loaded TS850 and a
>TS570. Can ofcourse get a 570 new for same price as used 850 loaded but
>wonder if I would have to get a bunch of accessories with 570 to make it
>usable for CW band. Know I can get the speach synth for cheap. Thanks for
>any ideas in this area, Dave W4CI
