<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmates:

I have waited several months to share this with the list because I wanted to
be sure I was doing well. I have been seeing a Chinese doctor who has "fixed"
a diarrhea problem I had and 5 weeks after I started seeing him, he also
"fixed" the celiac disease. I can eat gluten grains without any problem
whatsoever now.

I considered myself a classic celiac. I started having digestive problems 17
years before the problem was identified including diarrhea on and off. At age
47, I became extremely ill with constant diarrhea for 3 months. A colonoscopy
and stool sample showed nothing but I was extremely ill and losing weight
rapidly. The day I eliminated all gluten from my diet I started getting
better. This was 5 years ago. I considered myself a very sensitive celiac.
Many times I became ill only to discover afterwards that there was, in fact,
hidden gluten in what I had eaten.

I went to the Chinese doctor because I started having some digestive problems
again and nothing else seemed to be helping. A friend (not a celiac) said she
had gotten help with diarrhea by getting acupuncture treatments. I have been
seeing Dr. Deng since January. My digestion improved steadlily and after 5
weeks Dr. Deng told me to eat wheat. I was nervous about doing this but I had
zero reaction to the wheat. My digestive system is continuing to improve and
I am better than I have been in years now. I can eat normally--fast food,
desserts, breads etc.

The doctor I have been seeing is Dean Deng-- a Chinese MD who practices
Traditional Chinese Medicine including herbs, acupuncture and Qi Gong. He is
located in Lake Forest, Illinois 50 miles north of Chicago near the lake.
Address: 222 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 111, Lake Forest, IL 60045. His phone

An excellent site to go to to learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine
is www.acupuncture.com. You can get much better info. there than I could give
you on this topic.

I know some will be skeptical about this and I was too, but I have a very
sensitive body and I cannot ignore the evidence. I am not recommending this
for anyone and my guess is that the healing partially depends on the
individual. Acupuncture is partially art and not just science, I think. It
won't hurt you except maybe in your pocketbook. Our insurance doesn't cover
it and it has been expensive for me but worth it. Initially, I had to see Dr.
Deng 4 days a week and now I am down to one day per week. I am happy to
answer questions but I would appreciate it if you didn't send me any warnings
about the risks. I have been a member of the list for at least 3 years (maybe
4) and am very well educated about celiac disease. I trust my body and Dr.
Deng. He has treated at least one other celiac and many people with other
food allergies.  --Susan In Chicago