> >The omega acids you constantly mention are only good for the Eskimo &
>fringe members
>Where is your evidence of this?

A good question.  In the meantime, consider this: according to Dr. Loren
Cordain of Colorado State University (arguably the king of this hill),
Plains Indians ate 75% animal foods and 25% plant foods.  You referred to
American Indians who 'evolved' on maize.  Certainly, maize wasn't the only
plant food they ate.  Let's say half of their plant food WAS maize; that's
still just 13% of the diet.  Maize then and corn-on-the-cob now are two
different things.  Meat and animal fat was the foundation of their diet and
they were healthy as could be until switching to the modern diet.  Makes you
pause and ponder, no?

Welcome to the list; you'll learn a lot.  And several books have been
written with Dr. Cordain's book on the way.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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