Daaaaahdle-lut daddle-lut daddle-lut daddle-lut daddle-lut daddle-lut
daddle-LA! (Rush Limbaugh update theme)

So I went to the chiro today for a gloriously cheap check-up (spring
special) with X-rays tomorrow.  Here's what she saw:

1) I'm a twisted thang!  Both my shoulders and hips are off.

2) I'm unbalanced, with a 30-lb difference when standing on two scales.

3) She detected a few knots and tender spots along my spine, especially in
the neck and shoulders.

4) Most importantly, she found several temperature discrepancies, one of
them (you guessed it) on my neck which does are at least could indicate a
problem with the thyroid.  Well, I'll be damned!

As I said, I'll be getting X-rays tomorrow.  Obviously, subluxations would
be no surprise.  I'll let you know whazzuuuup, as they say on the beer ad.


P.S.  I'm going full steam ahead on both diet and exercise; I went on three
glorious walks and a bike ride over the weekend (with my butt paying the
price for the latter) with 5 30-minute walks and one weight session per week
my goal, unless you think I should do more with weights.
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