Charles, you surprise me! Is *sugar* added to these eclairs and mousses you

Last month, Ben and I had our first dinner out together since Zoe was born
(three years ago) and after our very paleo steak-and-salad dinner we shared
a piece of NY-style Bailey's cheesecake. Cheesecake used to be my *favorite*
dessert, and theirs was really good...worthy to be called NY cheesecake
(sometimes hard to find in Maryland) but after three bites that was plenty
enough for me. At first it was delicious, but then it was repulsively sweet.
Plus, I was very hyper that evening, followed by extreme exhaustion (maybe
it was the sugar, maybe the cheese). I'd have been just as happy to eat
couple of pecan-stuffed dates with a cup of coffee, or some plain fresh
fruit and a touch of fresh hand-whipped cream. I really believe that cane
sugar is more addictive than caffeine or nicotine.


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