>My father in law had a heart attack last November 2000.   He was >admitted
>to CCU, but walked out 2 days later against medical advice.

A little story from Dr. Ron Rosedale, clinic partner of Drs. Eades...

A man was in the hospital for his second go-round with a heart surgeon.  He
decided that was it.  He was on every medication under the sun; he'd had
enough.  He ripped the IVs out of his arm and walked away AMA - against
medical advice.  I have this image of him in the middle of the parking lot,
walking away defiantly in slow-mo, nurses in white caps running behind him,
tears in their eyes, "Noooooooo!"

Anyway, he goes to the clinic.  He's off all meds within days.  These
included heart and diabetes meds, a laundry list of disease-sustaining
pharmacueticals.  In just a few months, everything was back to normal. He's
now healthy as a horse, does several games of golf in a week.

Doctors and John Q. Public simply cannot grasp the idea that the effects of
insulin go far beyond the digestive tract and the waistline, that they also
play a role in heart disease.  It will be a long time before they wake up
and smell the coffee.  Until then, it's just more drugs.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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