Mi amica Vicki Rovere (qui comprehende interlingua!) ha
scripte, ante alcun annos, un guida e interessante e
utile al WCs de Manhattan. Iste libro sera disponibile
tosto in un nove e revisate edition.

Si vos visita Manhattan, le insula in qual io vive, le
centro cultural e commercial del Citate de Nova York,
le guida sera quasi indispensibile. In le sequente, io
ha facite un traduction interlinear. (Que son le
parolas in interlingua pro "cranky" e "interspersed?")


Subject: Where to Go: A Guide to Manhattan's Toilets
From: "Vicki Rovere" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 22:09:09 -0400

Dear Friends,
Car Amicos,

    The second edition of "Where to Go: A Guide to Manhattan's Toilets" is
    [Le secunde edition de "Ubi Ir: Un Guida al WCs de
Manhattan" es]

at the printer, and will be ready in May. This is the first book that I'll
[al imprimitor, e sera preste in Maio. Isto es le prime libro que io]

be able to e-publicize, and I thought I'd start by just sending out this
[potera e-publicisar, e io pensava que io debe commenciar per mandar iste]

message and hoping you'll pass it on to anyone you think might welcome it.
[message e sperar que vos lo inviara al alcunos qui vos pensa benvenir lo.]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

by Vicki Rovere
[per Vicki Rovere]

120 pp.  $7.00


More than 800 listings
[Plus que 800 listantes]

Maps of Manhattan
[Mappas de Manhattan]


News snippets--inventions, stories, culture, politics
[Curte notitias--inventiones, contos, cultura, politica]

An overview of NYC toilet history
[Un supervista del WC-historia del Citate de Nova York]

...all illustrated by wonderful 19th-century engravings
[...omne illustrate per maraviliose gravures facite in le 19me seculo]

What they said about the first edition:
[Que illos diceva re le prime edition:]


"A great way to see New York from a new perspective." (Street News)
["Un magnific maniera pro vider Nova York ab un nove perspectivo" (Notitias del Strata)]

"May be of greatest use to tourists, but even New Yorkers may be amused by
["Pote esser del maxime utilitate a touristas, ma mesmo Nova Yorkeros pote esser amusate per]

the anecdotes and trivia interspersed among the listings." (The New Yorker)
[le anecdotas e trivia interponite inter le listantes." (Le Nova Yorkero)

"Where were you at the _beginning_ of my visit?!" (a cranky tourist)
"Ubi era tu al _commencio_ de mi visita?!" (un tourista "cranky")]

"Not only does she tell where the restrooms are, she tells in detail how to
["Illa non solmente dice ubi son le WCs, illa dice in detalio como]

get there so a person who needs one does not look lost." (Associated Press)
[trovar los pro que un persona que necessita uno non pare perdite." (Prensa Associate)]

"Lively illustrations, even livelier anecdotes. When was the last time you
["Vivante illustrationes, e anecdotas mesmo plus vivante. Quando era le ultime vice tu]

needed a book like this? Don't let there be a next." (Backstage)
[necessitava un libro como isto? Non permitte que il sera un proxime." (Backstage)]

"Now I can drink as much water as I'm supposed to!" (a friend)
["Nunc io pote biber tanto aqua como io debe!" (un amico)]

"Because so many interesting places happen to have bathrooms, 'Where to Go'
["Perque multe locos interessantes ha WCs, "Ubi Ir"]

is also an excellent guide to the city." (Metropolis)
[es alsi un guida excellente al citate." (Metropolis)]

"What's the problem? I just go into a bar." (a friend)
["Que es le problema? Io simplemente entra un bar. (un amico)]


If it's a problem for you, this book will solve it! You can wait till May
[Si illo es un problema pro te, iste libro solvera lo! Vos pote attende usque Maio]

when the book turns up in Manhattan bookstores...
[quando le libro appare in librerias in Manhattan...]

or you can order now directly from the
[o tu pote mandar nunc directamente del]


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vicki Rovere, 339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012

__ copies of "Where to Go" @ $7.00        ____________
      New York State Sales Tax (.0825), if appropriate (NB: Iste applica solmente a personas que vive in le stato de Nova York)      ____________
     $2.00 postage & handling for 1st copy,
           50¢ for each additional                     ____________

    TOTAL (check or money order payable
        to Vicki Rovere, please)                     _____________



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you want to negotiate a bulk order, or if you have any other questions,
please e-mail me. [[log in to unmask]]