Dampha, get real. Talk of regaining myself esteem or looking down on me?
Must be out of your mind. The problem with you is that you have the courage
to speak but lack the wisdom to listen. Your constant whining out loud about
the April 10 & 11 tragedy is nothing short of hypocricy. You don't give a
damn about the victims or their families. As for your misplaced notion that
it might force people to revolt, well I have news for you. The students and
people including representatives of RCRC and headed by the GPF band staged
an orderly and serene march from GTTI to westfield without any incident.
Yesterday a delegation of the Gambia university students paid a courtsy call
to the president to discuss their plight with him.

The likes of you, in their bid to come to power at any cost, and under the
pretext of nationalism / patriotism can incite their own compatriots to
revolt while they themselves stay in foreign lands just to come scavenge for
any good that is left after the mayhem. If you care so much about human
life, why didn't you even comment on the industrial accident that happened
at Alh. Sankung Sillah's factory. For your information 12 of the 14 people
that were sprayed with hot soda died within 4 days. You have also
conveniently stayed mute over the recent stampede at the independent stadium
in which atleast 5 students lost their lives. If you think that Gambians
living here will be swayed by your rhetorics into voting for extremely
angree people who will not hesitate to plunge the whole nation into chaos
just for revenge in the name of justice, then something must be very wrong
with you. I have told you before, that your right to be be heard does not
guarantee that you will be taken seriously.

As far as we are concerned, the tragic incidents of April last year will
forever be with us; but if you assume that that's all we are preoccupied
with, then you are a bigger fool than I thought. We who are living here are
more preoccupied with the development of this country with the ultimate
objective of living desent lives. The peace and tranquility we are enjoying
will not be jeopardised by a few disgruntled people who have no agenda for
the improvement of the lives of their citizenry and whose only objective is
to come to power at any cost. Was it not only a few months ago the likes of
you initially called WHITE ELEPHANT projects are now calling STOLEN IDEAS
from the PPP? Well a few days ago I posted a few more "white elephant
projects". Did you see the connection between the roads being built, the
agricultural implements given to farmers, the fish plants, the bi-monthly
cargo service by Maersk Gambia ltd. to Monrovia and freetown, the Gambia
Divestiture Agency, developments at the airport etc, etc. Well, I've got
further news for you.

- As further sign of improved relations between the UK and Gambia
  Avon fire and ambulance services this week donated 6 fire engines to
  the Gambia fire service.
- Recently the ADB announced debt relieve for The Gambia which
  effectively translates to over 80% of repayments to the bank.
- The Africa Director of the world bank, Mr. John Mcintire is currently
  in The Gambia to assess other areas the bank can intevene.
- The president recently donated about 70 milling machines throughout
  the country.
- Gamcot, the company that markets cotton recently announced that over
  2,000 farmers registered with them this year, up from just over 1,000
  last year.

If you believe then that the APRC government is isolated and there is
absolute chaos here, then come down from cloud cuckoo-land.

Bye 4Now, KB Jobe.

"There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see,
yet small enough to solve"

                  (MIKE LEAVITT)

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