<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Has any one else read Louise Gittleman's work "Beyond Pritikin".  She
speaks out against too much wheat in the diet.  For anyone not sure she
is a breath of fresh air.  My husband has diabetes and has been advised
to eat a lot of whole grains (which he does) .  I decided to look after
my diet this year because I haven't felt well.  After eating all the
whole grain bread I felt sicker than ever and put on weight.  I went off
for a few weeks and started to feel better.  Then I decided to have the
blood test.  I am waiting for results.  However, for me I have felt so
ill again on the wheat that I am going wheatless etc.

It is good to have someone in the health industry backing up how I
feel.  I was feeling like a lone nut.  I am not going to have a biopsy -
sounds painful.

Sandra from Australia