<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Following is a summary of the many helpful hints I received on my inquiry
about acidophilus.  Thanks to all who responded, Barb

*Better to take ProBiotics (either complex or 8) much stronger and with more
strains of bacteria.  Dose is always one pill with each meal along with an L
glutamine capsule(500 mg) which is a catalyst and together they heal leaky
gut.  I was given this info from my nutritionist and internist.

*Try ProBiotics by Nutrition Now, Inc available at GNC.  In combination with
FOS, L-glutamine, vitamin C with quercitin, these probiotics have been the
only ones to really help.  They are a little expensive, but worth it.

*Dr. Fine recommends Culterelle.  Available at CVS and costs $20 for one
month supply.  Also take L-glutamine with meals.  Active culture is
lactobacillus GG.  Strength of each capsule is 10 billion cells.

*Not all acidophilus brands are alike.  Difficult to find the right one for
you.  Peter D'Adamo's book (Living Right for Your Type) he indicates that
acidophilus should be blended specifically for the individual blood type to
be effective.  Currently taking Maxi Dophilus DF by Ethical Nutrients for
Type A blood.

*Gets acidophilus through yogurt

*Do not purchase off of shelf, but rather in refrigerated section of health
food store.  If it's room temp, likely to have lost potency.  Can also cure
urinary tract infections by inserting vaginally once a week.

*After taking acidophilus, started feeling better within a few dahys.  Was
told that to keep colon healty, take glutamine and probioics for the rest of
your life altho you may not need to take 3x per day.

*I take BioK Plus acidophilus special ordered through health food store.
Made in Canada.  Refrigerated; comes in 6 and 15 pak.  500 times stronger
than any other capsule you can buy.  Pretty expensive but worth every penny.

*Need a refrigerated version which contains billions of active bacteria.
Will keep your intestinal tract healthy. Go to health food store and ask for
good probiotic supplement.  Natren brand is excellen and expensive so advise
buying it from the Vitamin Shoppe where it is cheaper.  Other brands are also
good but please make sure it contains not only lactobacillus acidophilus, but
also bifidus and bulgaricus.

Thanks again for all the responses.  Barb