<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here's the summary, its pretty long, but my doc says that she's just
wanting to sit on it.  Hormones are influenced by stress and the fact
that gluten reactions are pretty stressful on one's body could cause the
bleeding.  Or it could be coincidental.  Essentially, that is what
everyone says.  Could be the stress.  Could be coincidental.  So I'm
going to print this summary and give it to my doc.  She's great and
really open to everything.  If anyone needs a great doc in Los Angeles,
let me know.  Mine is definitely as great as they come.



When I started having digestive symptoms, 3 and 1/2 years ago, I also
experienced breakthrough bleeding at the same time.

I am postmenopausal and on HRT, so my doctor was concerned about the
bleeding and sent me for an ultrasound which showed a small fibroid.
Whether that was responsible for the bleeding I don't know.  I soon
discovered (no help from the doctor) that I was gluten sensitive and
went gf.  The fibroid hasn't grown and I haven't had any more problems.
For what that is worth, that was my experience.


i will tell you that whenver i had gluten attacks before diagnosis and
after during my learning curve at being gf i would have extreme bleeding
and major lower back pain. since the intestines and the uterus are close
as well as the spine, if one is inflammed then the other is as well.


When I had the proper God-given equipment still in me I had similar
signs/ symptoms.  They never did figure out why.  I was always anemic,
which was attributed to being a skinny overactive athlete.  Not yet
diagnosed as Celiac.  The whole scenario you wrote about; bleeding or
spotting after sometimes painful intercourse, a second round of spotting,
the mucosal appearance.  It didn't seem to have any long-term effects


The link I would say is the malabsorption of Vit K - the clotting
factor. If I were you I would ask your doctor for a blood test to show
what this level is. Many Coeliacs are "bleeders". Not only during or mid
cycle, but if they cut themselves by accident etc.


My naturopathic doctor told me that digestive problems can mean that
hormones stay in our systems longer because the pattern of elimination
is disturbed (I know, ick).  This might lead to endometriosis (or other
hormone-related conditions).  In addition, if we aren't digesting well,
our livers don't work as well, and the liver is what metabolizes the
hormones to change them into a less potent (and dangerous) form.

In addition, I can't tell sometimes whether the pain/digestive problems
I'm having are actually from gluten or from the endometriosis.  The
reason for this is that I have endometriosis on my intestines, which
causes digestive distress, as you can imagine, and a similar kind of
reaction as I have to gluten.  So perhaps you weren't actually having a
gluten reaction at all.  From what you described, I would guess you
probably have endometriosis, too...unfortunately, they can't know for
sure unless they peek inside your abdomen with a laparoscope (invasive
surgery - it's not so bad, though).


This may not be much help, but I too have had breakthrough bleeding
since my twenties. I was put on birth control pills to control it (this
was before I had CD). It would work for a while, then I would start
again and they would change my pills.


but there has been a link between CD and miscarriages, so it makes sense
that it could be all connected. But, the other thing is that you are
entering the age when all women experience irregularity and
difficulties. - unfortunately it can go on for a decade before true
menopause.  "perimenopause" -has a nice ring to it?!!!-, and people need
to be more open about it! (By the way, i'm 23, so i think i don't have this)


I have had the same problems you have been having for a long time,
although I never hit that 'thin' time b/c of malabsorption.

But I just found out by biopsy about my CD,  I had been having all of
your problems prior to December.  Even good annuals and pap smears. Once
I went GF,  I am back to normal.

I kept switching my birth control pills b/c I thought that's what it
was.  When my gynecologist found out about my diagnosis with CD,  she
jumped on that, and thought that I was probably only partially absorbing
them,  which was wreeking havoc on my system.  From cramps all the time,
abnormal bleeding,   pain during those intimate times.

So maybe,  if you've had some unknown gluten in your diet,  and you're
on some form of b.c. it could be affecting your absorption of it,  or
just how your body is handling hormones.

Hope this gives you a clue as to what your body's going through.


The only thing I can think of, could the gluten be setting off an
autoimmune response that's affecting your endocrine system?


I'm 5' 4" at about 114 lbs. and yes
I have the same type of "spotting" 1 week before
my cycle and 1 week after my cycle.

It seems to happen after my husband and I have sex.

But I also thought it could be because I am on an anti-depressant called
Celexa (I too am on an antidepressant, luvox, but this happened before


Don't think that any OB/GYN will see the connection between Celiac and
your condition. Heck, most of them don't see any connection between
symptoms that point to celiac and celiac disease.

I too am married, 19 years, and no children. I had horrible horrible
periods during and all the month long while eating gluten. I cannot tell
you how I suffered. It was the best I did when having the hysterectomy
because I don't feel anything like I did before. I lost so much blood
and was so weak for days after I was done menstruating.


Did you know that Celiac women suffer from lack of iron and anaemia.
This can lead to infertility and/or miscarriages.  These problems stem
possibly from the poor formation of blood cells.  A common problem for
Celiacs.  The body obviously finds ways of disposing of this.  You
should perhaps start taking folic acid.  Ask your doctor


I was found with alot of stuff including endometriosis, fibroids,
bladder fused to the uterus as one unit and some cysts on one ovary.
You may have chocolate cysts which erupt from time to time.  I don't
know but I would surely get a complete of a work up as possible in that
area because it does not sound normal even though there is a correlation
between gluten intake and bleeding of some type.  It is possible, which
is a little far fetched, but not impossible at all, that your body is
almost traumatized by any gluten intake and this is one way in which the
trauma is manifested.


Chinese medicine is much more experienced with the reproductive system
& balancing hormones than Western medicine.


I had this along time ago....it was an allergic reaction to WHEAT!!!!
Are you ingesting any questionable foods...vinegar, oats etc.?  that
could be causing it.

One other thing to look at....vitamin supplements....too much in terms
of blood thinners...Vit E, alpha lipoic acid, Omega 3,6 and 9 can bring
on bleeding