On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 06:46:11
 Kevin Creaner wrote:
>I need a driver for the onboard Soundpro sound that came with this
> motherboard. The supplied CD didn't have it, and PCChips, who make
> the board simply do not answer reply to requests for help. The driver
>file is supposed to be sound\driver\8738am\w95-98.
>I have tried every driver website I could find, but no luck. Any help
>would be greatly appreciated.
>Incidentally, is it just me, or does PCChips ignore all efforts to
> contact them?

I'm surprised that the CD didn't have it.  Try the following.  At the time I tried it, I got an FTP error when going for the Sound Pro Win 95 or Win 98 driver.  The sight is VERY SLOW via modem OR cable modem.... I've tried both.

Best of luck!
Lance Kephart

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