I have a utility program for determining most hardware configurations.
It runs under DOS, but will operate under the Win9x DOS mode (not a DOS
window).  The video section states the amount of video memory.  You can
download HWINFO from

Hope this helps.
Ron Jobe

On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 18:37:48 -0500 John Chin
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> At 07:20 AM 03/18/2001 Paul Tiwana wrote:
> >Hi Friends,
> >I hv ATI Rage 128 GL SD AGP ( English)
> >I want to know its video's memory's  capacity
> >
> Paul:
> The best way to discern memory amounts is to look at your video
> card. Count
> the memory chips and record the product numbers on them. Sometimes
> the RAM
> chips will give you a clue about capacity but you normally have to
> look up
> the product numbers on the RAM maker's website.
> You also might be able to look up the product code or serial number
> and
> check ATI's site for your particular model.
> Sometimes, if you watch the Boot up screen, you can catch the RAM
> size when
> the video BIOS loads (difficult with a power-savings monitor).
> I wouldn't rely on software reporting the RAM size. My guess would
> be your
> card has 8MB or 16MB capacity.
> Good luck.
> John Chin

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