Charles sent:

> Christianity is what has led us up this garden path to where we are
> now, that is totally disconnected from nature.
> This is interesting stuff!

Ardeith writes:
Charles, you might be able to blame Christianity on the
attitude that humans have a god-given mandate to subdue
and conquer the world.....and to "go forth and multiply"..
but intensive agriculture is the one thing you can't blame
Christianity for, as it is far older than 2000 years......

As a Pagan, I see Christianity as one of the major causes
for our alienation from Nature.....the whole mind-set that
says nothing of this world matters except preparing the
soul for the afterlife......I want to see this world be a
healthy place for my progeny to enjoy...."yea, unto the
seventh generation"........which means taking care for
what we do to the world......which also means we
can't let the Bush have eight years in office.....four
will be bad enough...........

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