> Siobhan wrote:
> > I think the point is that menopause is as natural as puberty.
> Neither of  these are diseases. Would one take something
> to suppress puberty?
Richard sent:
> Not the same, not the same. And we are not necessarily talking about
> preventing menopause. We are talking about a potential health
> benefit from HRT in aging people that can lead to a better life if not
> necessarily a longer one.

Ardeith writes:
IMO, it is exactly the same.....we would not attempt to prevent
our children from going thru' puberty....we see it as a normal
part of growing up.....and we don't treat it as a disease unless
the child has some real medical/physical problem during the
change from child to functional fertile adult.......my objection is
to treating menopause as a disease.....it is not...it is the other end
of the cycle when the female is no longer fertile, but is still a
healthy functional adult...........
There is some thought in anthropological circles that human
females go through menopause (no other mammal does this)
and have several more years - if not decades - when their
energies can be focussed on helping younger females raise
their babies....helping by continuing to gather food, or
watch over the babies while mothers do their work....
thereby helping assure the continuation of the species....

Richard sent:
> Aging is natural, yes. But that doesn't mean we should not employ
> devices that make our aging bodies feel better.

Ardeith writes:
Right, no argument there.....and the Ancients used many
herbal remedies to do so......but they did not use synthetic
hormones, or hormones derived from mares' urine.......
Talk about "foreign" proteins!!!  And they did not have
to deal with balancing the potential of getting breast,
ovarian, or endometrial cancer with feeling better.....

Richard sent:
> I get an occasional headache. If it's bad, I take a pill and feel
> better. I first try magnesium, but if that doesn't work, it's Ibuprofen
> me. I can't see how an occasional Ibuprofen is going to cause me undue
> harm, and it does improve how I feel, rather dramatically.

Ardeith writes:
And I take Celebrex for my Rheumatoid Arthritis.....
which has its own drawbacks, but I choose to take
the risk of the side-effects in order to be able to
walk.........I don't choose to risk breast, ovarian, or
endometrial cancer in order to have fewer wrinkles.

It's real easy for male doctors and other men to
support the use of HRT by women........they don't
have breast, ovaries, or endometriums......but if
you could turn all this around, and tell men they
should be taking some sort of HRT to remain young
and sexy - but that same HRT might make them
get testicular cancer, or penis cancer - you would
see a big change in the way HRT is presented to
all of us...........

Many women choose to use HRT - more power
to you - just be sure you are making an informed
choice rather than being stampeded into it by fear
of a few wrinkles...........

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