just a few questions,
Do u have built i video and built in sound,
And is the Motherboard a PCCHIPS
It could be just your motherboard, gone faulty. VERY common with the
PCCHIPS. especially due to the video and sound being built in.

You may need to try a better motherboard and you will instantly see a
difference. Fixed that problem with my bosses computer last week.
Motherboards won't last a lifetime,

:21:30 -0500
>My computer goes absolutely crazy at times.
>It will lockup, no matter what I am doing with it.
>Day before yesterday, I must have restarted it at least 50 times.
>After restart it might load Dos, Safe mode or windows.
>I think there was something like a time cycle involved.
>I tried to reload WIN 98SE and got nowhere with it.
>I suspected that heat might be the problem, so I turned it off
>for the night.  The next morning it worked fine for awhile and
>then went goofy again. Once again I turned it off for the night.
>The next morning I removed the side cover and left it off.
>It has worked far better since then, however it is not
>trouble free yet.
>Is it possible that heat is the problem and if so, what do I do
>about it?
>I have Norton System Works and it doesn't catch the problem.

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