Andrew pondered...
>Does a high cholesterol intake diet possibly lead to low blood
>cholesterol values?

Yes, a meat-rich diet low in carbohydrates has more dietary cholesterol than
recommended by western medical authorities.  With only rare exceptions,
someone with dangerously high cholesterol levels enjoys a reduction
-sometimes a drastic reduction- in his or her cholesterol levels.  The
problem comes when they go TOO low.  I have yet to hear about a case of
below-healthy cholesterol levels in a low-carb disciple.  Neither have my
clients, Mike and Mary Dan Eades.

By the way, critics just can't swallow (pun intended) the fact that a
meat-rich, low-carbohydrate reduces cholesterol levels.  Believe me, I know.
  Editors and producers to the left and the right of me refuse to even THINK
about it.  Over and over again, they say "in time, their cholesterol levels
will go back up."  It's staggering, the bill of goods Americans have been
sold on dietary cholesterol.

For more info, read Uffe Ravnskov's "The Cholesterol Myth".

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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