>I've always been troubled by the word "spiritual".  To me, "spiritual"
>faith -- belief without knowledge.  If you don't know the answer,
>then just make it up.
>I can't accept that.  I can live with question marks.

Think of spirituality as something physical and sensual (relating to the
senses of the body) rather than logical. That's a starting point anyway.
Emotions, for example, are directly related to spirituality. Faith is
something different. Religion is something altogether different.

I once read somewhere that the spirit is that which occupies the "empty
spaces" between atoms. All atoms, that is- from those that make up your body
to those that make up the "living rock" that Charles referred to. I suppose
one really can't disprove that. You can't see the salt in the water, but you
can taste it.

Question marks are great. I'm full of them. At least they are not lies.

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