On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:41:39 -0600, Oliva <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Now about those sprouts.....  Once they've sprouted from the grain/seed is
>the entire thing edible or do you only cut off the sprouted growth and if
>not entirely edible, is the seed/grain still usable.

The sprouted growth is the best part, but all is edible, also the "roots".
The  seed "body" is a little smaller, and it's ingredients are activated so
it should be good part of it. That one with the energy.

>I read someone's post that some sprouts are anti-thyroid;  I believe it was
>alfalfa but can't be sure.  What do you know of this?

I also heard of a possible anti thyroid in alfalfa.
I remember I disliked them when I was younger, now I find them OK
(but I don't sprout such).

I think it's always a good idea to eat what is tasty.
Allowing a little time to get accustomed to a new food item.
So the body can "discover" it's good and bad sides.
