I draw the line on the insect world and things that crawl on the belly.
I'll pass thank you.....  groan.....  shudder.......  sigh.......
(We're talking I would have to be seriously starving)  I kid you not!
As to the grains, with all of the GM modification going on with grains,
forget that too.  Most of it isn't fit for the birds either. The key word
with the grains is "wild".   As to intelligence of Paleoites and your
reference, I can only say.......  hmmm......

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Alban" <[log in to unmask]>

> You guys always forget the insects and grubs. >
> And of course Paleo people would have gathered wild grass seed --

>These people ....... had just as much intelligence as we do (maybe more,
judging from
> some of these posts - just kidding).
> Charles