Hi everyone,

About a year ago, my ten-year-old daughter was diagnosed with acute LI,
based on a score of 80+ on her breath-gas test.  The lactose-free diet does
appear to work, for the most part.  Lactaid pills do not seem to be
effective, although her GI Dr. feels that they only work with about 50% of
the LI peditric population, based on his own experience.  My question;  My
daughter's symptoms do not seem to be at all typical for LI, although the
onset does appear to be initiated by ingestion of milk products.  Her
symptoms include headache, vomiting, lethargy and diarrhea. She becomes
very pale, and her headaches are similar to migranes (i.e. sensitive to
light, etc) The onset usually occurs about 48 hours after ingesting milk
products.  Does anyone else have a child (or adult) with similar symptoms?
Her Dr. has considered testing for celiac, but I would prefer not to put
her through any invasive testing, unless it's absolutely necessary.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
