This is another master piece of yours. This time in your 'NEW' LITTLE TOWN,
a Town of DILUTED CONSTITUTION and CULTURE, is now witnessing the EMERGENCE
of its 'NEW' LEADER who will soon spread his net over the entire Town. The
new Leader, RHINEHEART SOBERLOOK, is a leader of passion who lacks WITS, has
more BRAWNS than BRAINS. Rhineheart Soberlook will soon ban even the diluted
constitution of the Little Town and instead drafted his own constitution and
new set of laws to govern. His emergence has been marked by VEHEMENCE and
DIVISION that Men and Women of Wisdom, Wits and Experience have all gone in
hibernation and shy away from constitutional duties.

Consequently, Rhineheart Soberlook, the New Leader soon realized that there
is no one out there to stop or challenge him. He firmly established himself
as the Towns strongest Leader ever. Knowing that he lacks wits, his
PERCEPTION of POWER becomes so incongruous  that it went over his heads,
thinking that since no challenges are encountered even from Men and Women of
great Wisdom and Experience, therefore, no challenges are eminent in the
near distant future. He became so brutal and vehement with those who broke
the law, and in the end, his perception of power made him to believe that he
is more intelligent than even the Men and women of Wisdom and Experience.
But what Rhineheart Soberlook, the New Leader, failed to realized is that
LACK OF CHALLENGES from those people with Wisdom and Experience has been due
to the fact that these people have wits, the power or faculty of rapid and
accurate observations. That is to say, even though they have been
hibernating, they have been keeping a watchful eye over his deeds.

But, as time went on however, Men and Women who have power or faculty of
accurate observations soon realized how idiot and Moron their so-called New
Leader is. They began to emerge from their hibernation and to face
situations as it is, though some of these people have fled to neighboring
countries, and some have gone further across the Ocean. Rhineheart
Soberlook's perception of power and vehemence, made him to fetch and destroy
any viable opponent; in some instances, he will stand on platforms in public
gatherings to threaten opponents of LITTLE TOWN that he will even bury them
SIX FEET DEEP, for his perception makes him to believe that filling the
DEATH HOUSE with CORPSES and burying some alive seems to be the perfect
answer to silencing his opponents. Consequently, Rhineheart Soberlook now
becomes RHINEHEART UNSOBERLOOK, for he now also dispatches his Search and
Destroy Team beyond the LITTLE TOWN and its environs to go fetch and destroy
all those who have secretly fled the LITTLE TOWN.

Baba once again, my felicitation.


>From: Omar Hatab <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 03:23:34 -0000
>By Baba Galleh Jallow
>Rhineheart Soberlook had almost gotten all he wanted in terms of
>on his enemies, his business rivals and just about all the prominent and
>so prominent bigwigs in our little town. In fact, he had gotten so much
>information that his eyes were getting squinted from the effect of browsing
>through loads and loads of information on a daily basis. His evergrowing
>number of informers were fast turning his Operation See All Unit into the
>world's leading espionage outfit, and nothing rendered our gentle Mr.
>Know-All more proud and happy tahn feeling that he had the entire world of
>information at his very finger tips, which were growing fatter by the day,
>thanks to his exceedingly flamboyant lifestyle.
>Indeed, so happy did Mr Know-All grow that he created what he called his
>special Happy Day Sessions. At such sessions, held on the posh balcony of
>his special super-mansion, he invited all persons of calibre and timber in
>our little town. Cattle, of which the wealthy Mr Know-All had hundreds,
>slaughtered and the guests treated to a barbeque of a lifetime. In the
>middle of the eating, the chatting, the drumming and dancing, Mr Know-All
>would proudly climb the podium and gently coo into the Public Address
>System, 'May I have your attention Please'. And having had his obliging
>attention, he would delve into some special topic or other, often
>intentionally revealing information about some of his guests that they
>rather keep secret.
>But who dared defy or contradict the mighty Mr. Know-All! So all his
>prominent guests could do was just to laugh and coo and loudly purr and
>pretend nothing was the matter. Whereby our gentle Mr. Know-All, feeling
>like the lion king himself, would cast knowing glances in the direction of
>his selected targets and proudly grin and nod, whereby they in turn, would
>grin and gaily wave and loudly clap, as if to drown the screams of misery
>tearing their hearts.
>Rhinehart Soberlook was a very fastidious guy. Hard to please, he was a
>stickler for perfection. So that when some of our common townsfolk started
>seeing through the ever-widening cracks of his seemingly indomitable
>he got really flustered and exceedingly miffed. So miffed that he in fact
>caught the flu, which sent him angrily coughing and huffing, puffing and
>spluttering all over our little town. Being the custodian of such
>knowledge, powewr and wisdom, Rhinehart Soberlook could just not understand
>how such simple nonentities as some of our common townsfolk could know so
>much about his mighty self. He just could not go to sleep until he found
>ways and means of dealing with those impudent blokes who called themselves
>clever and thought they were wise. When he came to think of it, he even
>aloud. Why should they call him fool? Why should they make him dance? Would
>they make fun of him? He would let them see!
>Within the twinkle of an eye, Mr Know-All had an idea: He would spread his
>net!! Immediately, he recruited more informers and trained them in the
>tecniques of what he called 'special spannerworks'. He then sent them not
>only into the nooks and cranies of our little town, but also into all
>neighbouring towns and villages and everywhere else he felt were any people
>trying to call him fool. The really smart ones he sent to Europe and
>America. Their terms of reference were to throw a spanner in the works of
>his percieved enemies and critics. Confuse them, distract them, make them
>feel little and stupid. Tell them they were seeing the world upside down.
>they spoke about the moon, tell them no, they were wrong, they were
>speaking about the sun. If they made any unsavoury reference to any Mr.
>Know-All, tell them hey, could they not see that they were wrong? And, holy
>cow! Those guys were smart! So smart that they soon became known as the
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