Clarence Bass' articles are based on about forty years of careful
experimentation, recording and analysis and I have a very high regard for
the integrity of his work.  Even though he has focused on a sample of one
(himself), his careful recording and analysis over years have made his work
a world standard.  I'm ten years younger than Clarence and I follow his
practice in the article linked to the first post in this thread.  Three
mornings a week I cycle five miles, row vigorously along a lake in an eight
for 70 - 90 minutes, cycle four miles to work through fast city traffic and
then do a day's work with gym at lunchtime or in the evening.  I have found
that starting off with nothing in my stomach renders me exhausted (and

inclined to binge) for the morning.  So I have 750ml of low-fat (1.5%) soy
drink with decaf instant coffee about half an hour before leaving home, a
snack of 150 - 300 calories (a recovery bar) after rowing and half a
Myoplex shake or similar at about 8:30am, when I get to work. I'll have a
low GI / high protein bar at about 10:30am, then gym or lunch.

Works for me.

Keith Thomas