Well, I don't feel it's to do with how happy you are with life, but how well you live the life you want to.  In other words, if you feel if you want to be able to do just a little bit more without pain or restriction, I'd say go for it.  There will always be disabled people, with or without implants.  I'm just glad the medical and technological innovations are available during my lifetime!

We had an interesting presentation during a luncheon meeting at my offce today about an organization helping newborn preemies (www.newbornsinneed.org), and was struck at how far medicine has come in treating preemies since I was born 3 months early in 1953.  Then, I was in an incubator for 3 months, and my parents were not encouraged to touch me for fear of infection, but now parents are urged to come  in and help with their preemies as much as is practicable.


"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> In a message dated 3/28/01 8:13:01 AM EST, [log in to unmask] writes:

I think the new technology that's popping up is great... however (y'all knew
that one was coming)  However, I have spent my whole life the way I am now...
and in the process of getting older, I have learned to come to peace w/ who
and what God made me to be!  I love the things that make my everyday living
easier (adaptive equipment and such).. but I do prefer to keep my distances
from brain implants!  I do admire such on the basis of saving lives..but not
to "improve" the quality of life..
I will not and do not judge those who decide to go through those
proceedures.. but I deeply feel that happiness comes through something much