
College was the last time that I handled a roommate well at all.  I need my own space and like to do things when I like to do them- such as eat, sleep- wake up, shower.....  I hated being woken up by other noise in the house- wondering "What are they doing NOW?"  And I only had a roommate at college til I found a way around that- then I was home free!  I agree with Mag--- don't jump into it and be careful!


(who lost over $700 to an ex-roommate)

On Sat, 17 March 2001, Magenta Raine wrote:

> Chester,
> Be careful of who you choose for a roommate. Roommates are hard to find who
> are compatible. Also, make sure it wouldn't interfere with your section 8, or
> your lease. Make sure you don't confuse roommate with friend, as some
> roommates may not want to also be your buddy. Make sure you get last month's
> rent, and cleaning deposit ... you don't want to get stuck if it doesn't work
> out.
> Mag

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