<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Everyone:

I need your help. Do any of you know of a physician who specializes in
diagnosing autoimmune disorder either related to or unrelated to celiac? I
live in Minnesota and feel that it is next to impossible to get any doctor to
recognize what an autoimmune disorder is let alone diagnose it.

I have Celiac Disease and have had thyroid problems, goiter, with hyper
symptoms. I have been on the gluten free diet since 7/99. However, I have
symptoms that point to another autoimmune disorder. I need someone who not
only knows what the word means, but also can work with determining what else
is going on by symptoms which are cited.

I am willing to leave the midwest and find someone who can help, hopefully in
the US. Does Dr Fine work with autoimmune disorders?  I wrote to the NIH and
will call them tomorrow. However, I will need to visit them more than once. I
can do that, but would like to find someone who can test and tell me so that
I can take the diagnosis back to Minnesota and find someone to manage it.

By the way,  my right thyroid was removed two years ago this month and is
stabilized. So, it is not my thyroid.

Thanks for your help.
