<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Oregon Chai is a tea latte that is dairy free and GF. I like the taste of
it and often drink it place of cafe latte. (It took me five years to be
able to ask for a latte without feeling like a sissy. At the snack bar at
the university I trained the clerk to make me a specific latte when I asked
for "a shot of Red Eye." Felt like John Wayne doing that :) But since the
new agers have taught me to be secure in my masculinity I can brazenly ask
for it any where any time, in mixed company or among real men :) -vance

I wrote the following to Oregon Chai about their products:

>From vance <[log in to unmask]>:
>I need to know if your Kashmir chai latte is gluten free. The ingredients
>I'm wondering about are the soy dream and the rice syrup. Both of these are
>sometimes done with a barley water wash and I need to know if yours are.
>Thank you

The following is their answer to me: -vance All Oregon Chai products are
gluten-free; and after receiving your inquiry, we double-checked this
with the Soy Dream manufacturer.

Thanks for your support!

Oregon Chai