Jim sez,

> There is a subset of CDRs that are clearly labeled as MUSIC ONLY,
> but I have never fooled with them so I can't speak about their
> capabilities or limitations.

Jim, Those Music-Only CDs are made to be used in the recorders that are a
part of stereo systems, and not in computers.

I have such a recorder hooked into my stereo system, and it requires the
higher-priced music-only CDs.  The recording industry made a deal with
the CD manufacturers that these machines cannot record on regular CD-Rs.
The recording industry gets a cut of the revenue from the sales of Music
Only CDs, hence the higher price.  This is to give some money to the
artists whose music you are copying rather than buying their CDs.
(Though how they know which artists to pay is beyond me, since they have
no idea whose songs you are dubbing).

---Dan Hughes
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