Hey guys,

Just built a new system for a friend. This was about 4 months ago. Specs are:

PII 450
Soyo 6ba+IV mobo
128 megs ram
Voodoo 3 2000 agp video
Soundblaster Live!
Seagate HD
Enlight 7237 case with 250 watt power supply

Was working today and then boom...screen goes black.
Power light on the monitor is still on.
Power light on the case is out.
Exhaust fan on the back of the case is not running.
The mobo has a neat little green light on it that says power is getting to the mobo. It's still on.

So I got power to the mobo, but nothing else.
I'm thinking power supply gone bad.
Do you guys have any other suggestions before I open her up? Anyone seen this behavior before?
I'm looking for you experience here.

Thanks a bunch. I read the list every day and have learned a lot.

Jeff Crowson

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