Sorry... Ro, I had meant to mention this earler (my neighbor's house had a
really bad fire this morning where the mama had to drop her baby from the
window into the arms of a construction worker that was working nearby, so I
was a bit distracted by all the commotion...everyone's ok there but the
house-destroyed and the cats-dead, we even had a D.C. news crew here, busy
day for a quiet little block...)

Anyway, here is info. for all to see about reverse osmosis water

Also be sure the plastic bottles that you use to store your water are rigid,
clear plastic to avoid contaminating your pure water with chemicals from the

Another option is distilled water, you can get a home distiller from, be sure to store distilled water in glass, not plastic
(so forget about buying distilled water in plastic jugs)

Also check out The Drinking Water Book by Colin Ingram.
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