On Wed, 7 Feb 2001 14:00:49 -0800, Wally Day <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I have a couple of questions for "Mr. Shredded". (You
>should a link from Clarence Bass's site).
>Phil, I noticed at your Paleofitness page you eat
>fruits and meats together in a meal. Do you ever
>suffer gastric distress when they are combined (I
>do!)? Do you eat them seperately? If so, which do you
>eat first?

No I don't have that problem.
I like mixing beef and some orange together for example.
I like oranges, blueberries, bananas and strawberries. I don't eat
apples though, they make my stomach a bit upset.

>As far as the standard veggies you combine with meat -
>do you generally eat them raw, lightly steamed, also

Raw celery, onions, or
lightly (like spinach) or moderately microwaved (like cabbage).

>Do you eat much fish?

I don't. I should, but just don't like it all that much.

>Regarding you exercise routine, I notice on your ab
>days you do fewer sets than on other days. Do you
>include something additional (sports, walking, hiking)
>on those days?


Philip Thrift