>This is my favorite non-sequitur quote in this mess:
>"Unlike many ancient-diet gurus, for example, she says it doesn't
>make sense for us to eat more than 20% of our calories in the form of
>protein since few of us will ever be as fit as our ancient forebears

</delurk> Does that strike anyone else as being a particularly circular
argument?? *smacks forehead* sheesh. Ironically, I just started this WOE
last week, after buying NeanderThin, Hunt's Diet Evolution and (grrr!) the
book in question. Lucky for me, I read NT and DE *first*. :)  Of course, as
a registered dietician, she's been fully steeped in all the "accepted" ways
of thinking. Frankly I took a nutrition course in college, and they were at
*least* 5 years behind on scientific information. To say nothing of the odds
of going against the new and "improved" food pyramid? *discreet cough* Same
old- same old... with a new spin for sales. She does have some interesting
things to say. I'm reading through it, if only for the mental exercise of
poking holes in arguements (or trying to). If anyone wants specifics on what
she says on any topic, I'll be glad to see what's in there.

Marisa in Providence, RI (Hi Todd)
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