On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 10:14:33 -0600, William G. Schnell
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

...BSE from pesticides...

>But I read that if the terrain is created (by any means) the disease Shall

If BSE is an infection (of prions in the food or a slow virus or whatever)
then anything weakening the animal would tend to promote the disease
outbreak. Like also pesticide treatments.

*If* the infecting agency was already present.....

The W.Price article was from a farmer in England, wasn't it? How many cattle
have it already in them, in England?
And how many in Germany (now we have 100 BSE cattle, GB had 180000)?
It's just if Germans start to test something, they test it thoroughly.
Now the misery just shows up, probably it was present for long.
To me it looks like that whole BSE was already present for a long time.
Farmers told such mad cows were always found in history, just very seldom.
Now's chain reaction.

Amadeus S.