I'm interested in purchasing coconut oil to cook with and did a search on
the internet to learn more about its nutritional qualities.  Below is a
link to an article that came up with Ray Peat, a nutritionist who advocates
using coconut oil to boost metabolism and treat hypothyroidism.  He says
that the keys to boosting metabolism are less aerobic exercise, more
dietary protein plus the addition of coconut oil.  What was interesting,
however, is that he claims muscle meats of both meat and fish suppress
thyroid function. (He specifically states that an all meat diet suppresses
thyroid function.) Instead, he lists the following as high quality proteins
that will promote thyroid function: milk, cheese, eggs, seafood and
potatoes.  Any thoughts on whether or not meats/fish would suppress thyroid
function?  Also, any of you paleos use coconut oil and if so, did you
notice any boost to your metabolism?