<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>On 20 Feb 2001, at 0:31, Prince Obrien-Coker wrote:

<color><param>0000,0000,7F00</param>> I am not sure whether the document below is meant to stipulate the required

> regulations of Gambia-L or just a sort of  "How-To" magnificently parceled by

> Momodou Camara, for the benefit of some of us who are laymen in Internet terms.

> If it is latter, we say "THANK YOU, Momodou Camara. We will think about it."  If

> it is the former, then it shows a degree of deficiency in the manner in which

> the list is managed. I would never have entered the fray about Baba Keita (or

> whoever he is) had these guidelines not been posted. If what is written by

> Momodou Camara, on behalf of the Management Team,  is anything to by, I think

> the Team owe an explanation to the rest of the List for the circumstances that

> led to the unceremonious and prompt banishment of Baba Keita (or Whoever he is).

> The first posting of Baba Keita ( or whoever he is) was on 10th February and two

> postings on the following day led to him being de-listed.


The guidelines I posted was not a statement by the list management. People are
subscribing to the list everyday and this is manual is something that has been
long overdue.

Prince, you must be aware that some people had been engaged in personal attacks
and insults lately until enough was enough and unfortunately the hammer had to
fall on the so called Baba Keita and Alieu Keita. Recently I saw a posting
where someone was insulting Astrid's family and the person signed off just
after sending that mail.

Unfortunately, this current crises started when I sent the mail to the so

called Baba Keita warning him/her after receiving a private mail from Katim
drawing my attention to his/her posting and that I should send a mail "<FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param>to the
<FontFamily><param>Arial</param>list reminding them it's not for them to insult people, no matter what they
feel about them." After a brief exchange between the management, Baba Keita's
subscription was disabled. Alieu Keita's subscription was also disabled too.

The main reason for disabling Baba and Alieu Keita's subscriptions are to
lessen the tensions on the list. I can see it has been in the contrary:-)

Everyone joining Gambia-l sends in a brief introduction of themselves just a
few years ago and a membership list of all subscribers are sent to the L after
every few months., this way one could find old class-mates, acquaintances and
so on. Nowadays that unique Gambianness is being replaced by people whose sole
aim is to join with fake names to come and create confusion. Perhaps we should
ask ourselves why that would be necessary if they genuinely believe in what
they say? These are people who do not want to be identified with what they say.

List management is receiving subscription requests from people who want to
subscribe as Samba Saitany, Salam2, Longgun Shortgun, Kunta Kinteh etc....

It is obvious, we do not add such names!


Momodou Camara

Copenhagen - Denmark


To unsubscribe/subscribe or view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L
Web interface at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html
You may also send subscription requests to [log in to unmask]
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