Here is a piece I find in my old college notes. (Author unknown)
This may be of interest to all you great worriors.

We should be thankful we live in a democracy, a system of government that,
Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg address, said is "of the people, by the
people,for the people."

Democracy means literally, peoples power. Demography is the statistical
study of people, for instance - and cracy is a stem that come from the Greek
word meaning power or might. Not all forms of Government vest the power in
the people, of course. So here is a list of other cracies.

ARISTOCRACY:-Government by a small priviledge class or other.
ARITHMOCRACY:-Government by the numerical majority.
AUTOCRACY:-Government by one person having unlimited powers.
CHRYSOCRACY:-Government by gold, literally or actually, Government by the
DIABOLOCRACY:-Government by devils (real or imagined)
ERGATOCRACY:-Government by the workers.
FOOLOCRACY:-Government by fools.
GERONTOCRACY:-Government by old men.
GYNECOCRACY:-Government by women.
HEIROCRACY:-Government by ecclesiatics.
HAGIOCRACY:-Government by holy men.
KAKISTOCRACY:-Governmentby the worst people in the society.
MESOCRACY:-Government by the middle class.
NEOCRACY:-Government by the inexperienced.
OCHLOCRACY:-Government by the mobsters.
PANTISOCRACY:-Government in which all people rule equally, a utopian
PLANTOCRACY:-Government by planters, plantation ownersas the ruling class.
PLUTOCRACY:-Government by the rich.
PORNOCRACY:-Government by harlots.
STRATOCRACY:-Government by the military.

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