JRhodes asked:
<If anyone can steer me to the "NARA document">

I've looked at the booklet, but it was not mine.
It's available through ICCROM -- you may purchase online if desired -- just
follow the link:
Choose: publications for sale; theory.
Sounds like a great idea for a confab.  Been dealing with this a lot lately.
Hope I'm free to attend.

Bruce Popkin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: JRhodes [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 1:52 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: Authenticity
> ][<en:
> You are certainly welcome to attend the gathering, as are other
> non-lurkers...let me know who so I can be prepared.  It's pretty
> informal though.  No big whoop.
> If anyone can steer me to the "NARA document" or ICAMOS' reporting on
> their sessions, or for that matter other good reading on
> authenticity, I would be appreciative.  Bob Silman gave me a copy of
> Walter Benjamin, Illuminations, "The Work of Art in the Age of
> Mechanical Reproduction", a slowly digested read, but with some great
> insights..."The presence of the original is the prerequisite to the
> concept of authenticity."  Sounds pretty basic to me, but as Deb said
> in her recent response, trouble comes when project participants are
> not agreed on the definitions.  I find that you can argue yourself
> blue in the face over principles, but only when you share a common
> vocabulary and get down to examples of where principles may or may
> not apply do you find room for individual opinion and expression.
> And I believe that even in historic preservation there is room for
> interpretation, individual expression and...artistic approach, just
> as when the buildings were new.  If it were easy to do well everyone
> would be doing it well.  And you know all aren't.
> Ask your difficult questions.  Ask them on line.  I'm sure others
> here would be interested.
> Cheers!
> Rev. Jim