I have one of those exact items. There is a company in kentucky called
easy-connections that makes
them and distributes them. I bought a case that is great, and I put this usb
hub into the 5.25 bay.
I bought these items at a computer show.

Recently one of our list members asked about a USB Hub mounting into a 5.25 bay
to access USB items from the front of the computer.  Today I saw such a device
here in Germany.  This hub has 4 ports exposed to the front.  Inside is a
standard hd type power plug and a connection for a USB cable. From an exposed
USB port in the back, the cable goes  through the inside of the computer into
the hub.

You lose one USB port in the back but gain 4 in the front.  Cost is DM99, about
US$50. A bit steep but a "clean solution" to avoiding excess cables everywhere.

Ray Hornung

                         PCBUILD's List Owner's:
                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
                       Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>