More Information:

Further to my earlier message.  I tried reseating the card 3 times, with no

I tried putting another PCI card(10/100 NIC) into the nearest PCI slot to
the AGP, and that didn't solve any problems. Also when I originally
transferred cards, I did so by going to the stadard VGA driver first, then
replaced it with the Voodoo 5 500 drivers. Just in case it was a Driver
Problem I then upgraded the V5 drivers to the current certified version.

I also checked very carefully through the bios, and there is no option to,
set to specifically PCI or AGP.  There is no available BIOS upgrade that
might include that option.

So why is it still not recognizing the card on first boot, but then fine on
the second, it's so weird.  Any other Suggestions?


Rich Warren

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