I guess i can add to Dori's great ideas for fast and fresh starts.  I too
cut up onions, peppers, carrots, etc for easy mixings.  Once a week, I
take 3 pounds of each, onions, peppers, carrots, and celery.  I dice them
all up separately and place them in snack size ziplock baggies. I also
make 2 bags each of a mixture of all three veggies.  Half go in the
fridge, 1/2 go in the freezer.  That way for a quick fix for salads, i
grab a baggie from the fridge and toss it in. For stir fry's or soups or
stews, I toss in a frozen baggie.

For salads, I make a yummy mixture of lettuce, I wash it, dry it, and
tear into small pieces.  I place in a huge plastic container, place a
paper towel over the top of the lettuce, add the lid, remove any excess
air, and place container in the fridge UPSIDE DOWN.  The paper towel
absorbs any moisture, keeping the lettuce fresher longer.  Also, every
time I cook a turkey, roast, fish, anything that would have broth or
juice left over, the juice goes into one of those Glad seal keeper
things.  Then it goes in the freezer. Instant broth for flavoring just
about anything.

Also, something for us Moms, here is a great idea with baby food. This
worked great when my kids were little.  First, cook your foods, veggies,
meats, oats, (if you eat them), fruits, (if necessary) then puree them
separately.  Pour the pureed foods into ice cube trays and freeze them,
Then, once frozen, remove from the trays and place the cubes in a freezer
bag to store in the freezer.  Just pull one out as you need it.  Just
microwave it or heat it up in a sauce pan. Or thaw out for fruits.
Usually, one ice cube sized food is a large enough serving for the little
ones. If doing meats, chicken works much better when cubed very small
before pureed.  These are great if you are on the go or decide to go out
to dinner. Just drop one or two frozen cubes in a ziplock baggy and toss
in the diaper bag.   Most places are more than happy to microwave it for

Hope this helps someone...........
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