On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 11:08:00 -0700 Don Marcotte <[log in to unmask]>
> I am allergic to the whey proteins but apparently not to casein.

Both my kids seem to fall into the same category.  I've also been told
that it's more common to be allergic to casein than to whey.  Somebody
has to be the "other percent" right :-) ?

In addition to which protiens an individual seems to be sensitive to,
another factor is the "dosage" effect.  Something may have a very small
amount that might trigger a noticeable reaction.  For instance, we can
sometimes get away with caramel coloring that is of a dairy source
depending on the concentration in the product.

For children, it's generally recommended to eliminate all forms of an
allergen from their diet in order to give them the greatest chance of
outgrowing it.  I've also heard that the same may hold true for adults.


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