Edwardian Science

a BSHS conference at the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
on 21 May 200

Was there a distinctive "Edwardian" cultural period? What are the
implications for history of science?

Provisional speakers include:

Robert Olby

Peter Bowler
`Creative Evolution and the New Theology: Changing
Attitudes to Evolutionism in Edwardian Britain'

Robin Mackie & Gerrylynn Roberts
'Edwardian Chemistry: A Period of Educational. Institutional and Employment

Keith Vernon
`Professionalization and Public Service: Scientists, Civil  Servants
and the Invention of Research, 1900 -1916'

Ivan Crozier
'The Political and Social Contexts of Havelock Ellis' Sexology'

Ivor Grattan-Guinness
`Bertrand Russell on Empire in the 1900s'

William Kimler
`The Domestication of Exotic Entomology:  The Hope Museum, 1893-1913'

Gregory Radick
`Hobhouse at the Zoo'

George Wilkins
`Sir Norman Lockyer and the British Science Guild'

David Knight
General discussion and summing up.

The meeting has been organised by Professor Robert Olby
and Professor David Knight.

The BSHS EGM will be held at this meeting.

Registration Form

Please complete this form and send it with payment to the address

The registration fee (includes buffet lunch) is:

BSHS members   stlg20
BSHS student, retired or unemployed members  stlg15
Non-members  stlg25

I wish to register for the meeting "Edwardian Science" on 21 May 2001

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Please return your form and remittance by 1 May 2001 to:
BSHS Executive Secretary
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Stanford in the Vale

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