Hi.....I am looking for some information about a repair that I need done to my computer. I know that there are PC technicians that read this list and would like some advice.                                                               My HIMEM.SYS was accidently deleted awhile back, and trying darned near everything, I cant get it restored. So....I guess that I'm going to have to take it to a shop and have it looked at.                                        What I'd really like to know is this.....The computer I have has Windows98 in it. My original Win98 disc was busted some time ago and therefore I no longer have it. And like a fool, I didn't make a reboot disc. When I take my computer in for this repair, will the place be able to restore my HIMEM.SYS without a Win98 disc? And....the other thing that I'd like to know is...Can anyone give me some kind of a ball park figure on how much this is going to set me back? And lastly, but not leastly.<and i know this question will be pretty specific>Does anyone out there know of any places around the Waterloo/Cedar Rapids, Iowa area that fixes PCs at a reasonable price? Any information on any of my questions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks millions!

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