On Tue, 2 Jan 2001 12:09:47 -0500, Philip Thrift <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Tue, 2 Jan 2001 04:51:59 -0500, Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>It's the same for Neanderthin like "Leben ohne Brot" like most authors
>>(also Ward Nicholson if you read the interview carefully).
>>There are signs for a "increasing" meat eating.
>>But far from any chance to be low carb. Increasing wild game from 4% to
>>can't be low carb.


>As Cordain relates it, carbs were < 35%.

<35% carbs isn't low-carbing , as you might define it, since you will seldom
come into ketosis with it.
It's closer to Lutz's definitions (Leben ohne Brot).
Which is close to nourishing brain and nerves from carbs and the rest from
Which is occuring anyway, regardless if you eat your energy as carbs or as
fat (or as protein).
Most glucose which is burnt is used by tissues for which it is essential
(brain, nerves, blood cells).
The rest is first converted to fat and burnt as fat.

(ref: http://www.zonehome.com/met/metglucose.htm
"Approximately 180 grams of glucose are oxidized per day, mostly by those
tissues for which it is essential.")

So you can eat fat directly for this part anyway, or not?

<35% :
At which time?
What is counted as "carbs"?
<35% of calories from carbs fit easily into a savannah environment.

With 100% nuts, you get 220g fat and 38g carbs. Much room for fruit and
It's not so much related to meat or not.

Cheers, Amadeus