Mary, Dori,

I thought that MS was multiple sclerosis, different from muscular

I thought that they have similar effects as well as causes, but still
qualitatively different. Especially that many with muscular dystrophy die in
their 20's or so, but this is often when MS begins.  I haven't heard if diet
can set muscular dystrophy into remission, it seems to get progressively
worse.  But I have heard of people with MS having symptoms reversed by paleo

I have a friend who has two older brothers, both with musclular distrophy,
and an older sister.  My friend was diagnosed with musc. dist. but clearly
doesn't have it.  He said that musc. dist. is from when the body can't
produce some kind of protein (called dystrophan) needed to get the gene
working to build  muscle.

He said there are different kinds of muscular dystrophy, and his brothers is
called Duchenne (sp?).  His brothers eat a very high protein diet, and they
are the oldest anyone with this type of musc. dystrophy in their state (IL)
has--38-40 years old.


>Is the SAD diet implicated in this???
In the meantime, I've seen several MS patients on this list talk about what
this diet's done to help them.