On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 06:46:45 -0500, Philip Thrift <[log in to unmask]>

>On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 19:30:02 -0500, Norm Skrzypinski <[log in to unmask]>
>>I think that most of those 2 million years were low fat (<12%) and high
>>carb.  Bad news for "your (Neanderthin) side".  Sorry to be the bearer of
>>bad tidings, especially at this "glad tidings" time of year.
>>Neanderthin is quite far removed from paleolithic eating, need I say.
>More significant to consider even just the last ~100,000 years. What
>were "we" eating then except for the last ~15,000 years?

The last 100,000 years?
Well since anatomically modern humans exist (in the fossil record) from
about 120,000 y a now there are not so significant changes to expect from
this time.
Within this time, only the time from 40,000 to 12,000 by can be
considered an actual low-carb eating time because AMO's entered cold areas
(glaciated with mammoths) then.
Before that was a ~50k year long worm time like called Eem. No glaciation.

The part of humanity which entered cold areas (north Cro Magnon) will have
experienced 30kyears of meat/fat nutrition. For europeans ("northern"
descent) they may contribute a significant part before mixing with more
southern Cro Magnon entering in the current worm phase.

It's the same for Neanderthin like "Leben ohne Brot" like most authors
(also Ward Nicholson if you read the interview carefully).
There are signs for a "increasing" meat eating.
But far from any chance to be low carb. Increasing wild game from 4% to 25%
can't be low carb.

But IMO one is important to be kept in mind:  thermal (worm phase) plants
like african cold phase plants were probably *not* high carb because only
tubers are high in carbs, nuts are protein/high fat and others are very high
in fibers minerals.

Cheers and a happy and healthy new year to all

(who's hours out of the coconut area are counted :-)